2020 vision series background slide

What does it mean to grow in Christ? 

Through the strong and encouraging words of Ephesians 4:11-16, we learned Sunday that growing in Christ involves:

Committed People-- with a clear Purpose-- participating in a life-long Process--getting strong Protection-- displaying a glorious Picture

The foundation for our Christian growth is a gift from Christ himself. From the start this shows us something we must never forget: Jesus didn’t come down from heaven, rescue us from sin and death so that we would NOT grow in our faith.He sent his Holy Spirit to lead and guide his people, but he also gave special gifts for the church.

He commissioned specific people as gifts to the church. Christ commissioned the apostles and prophets to establish the church during its first generation, and calls evangelists and pastors/teachers as His gift to the church for every generation that follows. Jesus’ strategy for growth of the church is the gifting of people to help the church grow and glorify Him.

We see this play out throughout Paul’s ministry. Paul, an apostle chosen by Jesus, sends Timothy to Ephesus to help the church grow. He sends Titus to Crete so that he can “put what remained in order” (Titus 1:5). Paul doesn’t give them a step-by-step manual for building a church, but he lays out the qualities that they should look for as they identify the people who will serve and lead the church.

This provides definition and direction for the church in a couple ways:

The church, first and foremost, is about people, not a building. We meet together in a place, but this place isn’t what makes a church a church. God did not bestow a building as he gift to the church, but people, whom he gifted and called.

This also shows us that while programs and events are helpful, they don’t define the church. Our success as a church is never determined by the number of events and programs we offer.

We have to be careful. We are tempted to think that our church has arrived if we start a new program or have a particular event. However, we cannot define ourselves only by what we do or the things we offer. Without people inside the ministry, growing closer to Christ, and serving him with their hearts, there is no ministry. 

Ministry is about people. God ordains pastors and elders in the church to equip the saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12). Leaders equip the saints so that we, as the body of Christ, can fulfill His mission together. It clearly shows us that: 

We celebrate gifted leaders but realize we are all called to do God’s Work.

As pastors and elders, we are called to the ministry of the Word, through preaching and shepherding, and prayer. Within that framework a primary role is to equip and empower God's people to fulfill your calling as you grow in Christ, discover your gifts, and use them for the glory of God.

This means that we are all called to the work of ministry with the aim to build up the body of Christ (Eph:4:12). 

This means that spiritual growth isn’t just about your own walk with God, but how your growing relationship with Christ helps others grow as well. Thus, service to the church is a necessary part of growing in Christ. Our service is intended to contribute to spiritual growth of God’s people. We must understand that the purpose of our gifts is to use them for the body of Christ.

Do you have this mindset? Do you see the church as a place for your spiritual needs to be met so that you can minister to others? 

We are also equipped for the work of ministry in order to build up the body: “until we all reach the unity of faith and in the knowledge of God’s son (Eph 4:13). 

We desire to know Christ better and build unity in the family. 

As we grow together in Christ, we see our two-fold objective- unity of the faith and the knowledge of Christ. Out of these, flow spiritual maturity, sound doctrine, and a testimony that honors God. Sometimes we think discipleship and growth in Christ starts and ends with knowledge. We think that the more we know about God and the bible, the more we grow. But discipleship is deeper than that.

We must strive to have a clear understanding of the core doctrine of the Christian faith. But, our right knowledge must lead us toward unity. It must lead us to a desire to grow in Christ and develop our gifts so that our church family can know Him well and have a like-minded passion and goal to grow together. 

Our growth in Christ is also a source of protection and strength. We are equipped to avoid ditches that can derail us on our journey. Spiritual maturity looks like you being so anchored that you are the same person regardless of the situation so that we aren't toss around by every wave of teaching. Things that may sound pleasing, but are, in fact, damaging to the gospel witness. As we grow in Christ, we must help protect each other from dangerous pitfalls.

This is the beauty of gathering with God’s people and investing in each other’s lives. As we proclaim God’s truth through song, through hearing the Word preached, through studying the Word and serving together, God's truth will crowd out those doubts that we face from the world around us. 

Our growth in Christ displays a glorious picture of God's glory for all to see. 

As every supporting ligament (every individual) is knit together and grows in Christ, it causes the growth of the whole body. This means that your growth, your relationship with God, your marriage, your family, it affects everyone else in the body. your individual spiritual growth matters to everyone else, because we are in this together and growing together.Think of the picture of unity, love, care, and passion for God we can display to the world when we are growing together in Christ. 

We also ask the question: What does this mean for CrossWay in 2020?

  • We can’t “drift” our way toward discipleship. While God causes the growth in our lives, he calls us to follow him with purpose and passion. As a church, our mission is clear: we are called to glorify God by making disciples. 

I pray we are known as a place that clearly defines what it means to grow in Christ to use our gifts to glorify God and build up his body. In 2020, this means we need more intentional and clear about how we can grow in Christ together. 

I am excited to announce that after Easter we are beginning a 4-week class what we will call "Growth Track." 

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 It is 4-week progression that will clarify what we believe as a church, give you the tools you need to grow in your faith, and equip you to help us carry out our mission. Think of it like a roadmap for your life in ministry to God. All in all, the purpose of this class is to give you the foundation to serve and grow in Christ as his disciples.

I am excited to say that in the coming months we are going to have some specific opportunities for men’s and women’s ministry across our church. We aren’t doing all these things just to create new programs, but as a clear vehicle for growth. We want our discipleship to be organized as well as organic. We want to have clear structure and direction, but we also want a culture where growing in Christ together is a way of life.

For our church, my challenge for each of us: No matter where you are, we all need to take the “next step” in our Christian journey. 

Let's grow in Christ together in 2020!

See you Sunday, 

Pastor Sam