Growth Track is a road map for every person at CrossWay to know who we are as a church, give you the tools you need to grow in your faith, and carry out God’s mission for your life.

Growth Track will meet four consecutive Sundays starting September 13th from 11:00-12:15 in the Worship Center.

This class will also be available on Live Stream (see links below).

growth track graphic

Week 1:  Worship God
Week 2:  Find Community
Week 3:  Make Disciples
Week 4:  Fulfill Your Calling
We will answer questions like:
  • How can I grow in my faith?
  • What does CrossWay believe?
  • How can I make lasting relationships at church?
  • Where can I serve the church?
  • How can I help others grow in their faith?

For some, this means learning how to take the next step in getting connected to our church and participating in God’s mission for your life. For others, this means getting equipped to come alongside others to help them grow and learn how we can carry out God’s mission together.