Become a Member

The best way to get involved with our church is to commit to membership. Being a member at a local church is simply how Christians meaningfully express their membership in the Church universal. As we join together, we make the gospel visible to others and show what God is like. We would love for you to join us.

How to Join

  • Believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ – God is holy and just and requires a consequences for the sin that separates you from Him. God is also merciful and provides an alternative to pay the consequences in the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.  You are called to respond to the truth of the Gospel by placing your faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Be baptized by immersion as a believer in Jesus Christ. (You don't have to do this at CrossWay if you have been baptized previously following your repentance and faith in Christ.)
  • Attend the Membership Class to understand who CrossWay Bible Church is and what we believe
    • The class is split into four sections that reflect our mission: Gather, Grow, Give, and Go. We will talk about why we are called to join a church, why we seek fellowship and community as we live out the "one another" commands, why you are called to serve as members of the church, and walk through our church covenant.
    • We offer our membership class twice this fall and spring with lunch provided. Email if you would like to sign up for the class. (See announcements and church bulletins for specific dates each spring and fall).
  • Fill out a membership application. You can fill out this online form. If you would prefer to fill out a paper copy, email
  • Be interviewed by an elder. At this meeting, an elder will hear your testimony of faith in Christ, walk through your membership form, answer any questions you have about our church, and what it means to be a member. Following the meeting, elders will review the membership application and provide their collective affirmation.
  • Be presented as new members of CrossWay Bible Church at our next Members Recognition Sunday as both the new members and current members recite our church covenant together. 

How to Flourish as a Member at CrossWay

  • Be consistent in Corporate Worship on Sundays (Heb. 10:24-25)

  • Commit to Membership (Romans 12:4-5)

  • Join a Community Group (Acts 2:42)

  • Pursue Accountability and Discipleship (2 Tim 2:2)

  • Give and Serve the Body (2 Cor 9:7-8)

  • Share the good news of the gospel, inviting others to follow Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20)