Men’s Ministry
God created men with a unique call and the ability to fulfill their purpose by glorifying Him and making disciples. It is CrossWay’s desire to equip men with the tools they need to pursue the identity of manhood God has called every man to have. Through Men's Bible Studies which provide group accountability, and discipleship, men are encouraged to grow in their relationship with God and others at CrossWay. We also have corporate men's events throughout the year to invest in our growth in Christ.
Fall Men's Bible Studies
Mondays 7 pm--Community Room--Study: 2 Corinthians
Wednesdays 6:15-7:45 pm--Ministry House--Study: Revelation
First Monday of each Month 6 pm- 8:30pm-- Independence--Study: Books related to manhood and spiritual growth.
If you are interested in joining a discipleship group, email
Fall 2024 Event:
Nov 1-2, 2024- Men's Camp out and Serve Day- Sagrada Bible Camp- Lake of the Ozarks, MO
Ages: 12 and up. $20/per person $40/max per family
We are calling all men to join us for our fall's mens camp out and serve day at Sagrada Bible Camp at the Lake of the Ozarks on Friday Nov 1 and Saturday Nov 2. We will meet at the camp, share dinner and devotions, and fellowship around the campfire. On Saturday after breakfast and teaching from God's Word, we will serve the camp with some needed projects until Saturday afternoon. Come ready to enjoy God's creation, learn from God's Word, and serve together!
You can sign up HERE
You can pay HERE